Sightline Security is a Founding Member of NonprofitCyber

Sightline Security is proud to be a part of @NonprofitCyber, a first-of-its-kind coalition of global nonprofit organizations to enhance joint action to improve cybersecurity!  Members include the world’s leading implementation-focused nonprofit cybersecurity organizations.  

Sightline partners directly with nonprofit organizations of all sizes and mission to help them navigate business context for why cybersecurity is important to their mission and the vulnerable communities they serve. 

Led by co-chairs Tony Sager, Senior Vice President and Chief Evangelist for CIS, and Philip Reitinger, President and CEO of the GCA, @NonprofitCyber’s twenty-two founding members include Sightline Security, Anti-Phishing Working Group, the Center for Internet Security, the Center for Threat-Informed Defense, the Cloud Security Alliance, Consumer Reports, CREST International, the Cyber Defence Alliance, the CyberPeace Institute, the Cyber Readiness Institute, the Cyber Threat Alliance, the Cybercrime Support Network, the CyberGreen Institute, the FIDO Alliance, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, the Global Cyber Alliance, the National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance, the National Cybersecurity Alliance, the Open Web Application Security Project, SAFECode, the Shadowserver Foundation, and #ShareTheMicInCyber. 

Kelly Born, Director of the Cyber Initiative at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation shares about the critical need for aligned action to impact support: “With the unprecedented rise in cyber crimes associated with greater use of technology during the pandemic, the need for expert support for users to defend themselves has never been greater. There are great nonprofits working to support cyber defense, and too often their efforts go uncoordinated due to lack of resources. Nonprofit Cyber is a much needed step in the right direction of enabling greater collaboration in this critical field.”

Sightline Security, a 501(c)(3) has a unique mission - to equip and empower mission-based and nonprofit organizations to integrate cybersecurity with confidence. 

Hear Kelley Misata, Ph.D., Sightline's Founder and CEO's reaction: click to view on LinkedIn!